

The city of Mante has many beautiful and attractive sights for the tourist. Many of these tourist attractions are located in the immediate area surrounding Mante. Several of these places are briefly described in  the following details.
The nacimiento

"El Nacimiento" or the "Birthplace" is only 7 miles by graveled road from the city and accessible in all seasons. To see this magnificent spring with water flowing from the rocks in the "sierra de Cucharas" (Knifde spoon Ridge Mountains) is a new and marvelous experience. It is the tourist site where the entire family can enjoy a satisfying day in the country along with a picnic. One may also go swimming or simply relax on a boat ride. One would be encouraged to swim to the mouth of the cave in order to view and enjoy the view of the light entering into the cave (above) the crystal clear waters with an esmerald tint.

"La Aguja" or "The Needle" is another popular swimming place in excellent condition approximately 4 miles from Mante. It was (constructed) along with the construction of a dam on the Mante River which is used to irrigate the large sugar cane plantations of the region. This dam was constructed between 1927  and 1929 and inaugurated August 9, 1929. From here one can navigate upstream until you arrives at the "Nacimiento".

The Beaches of Limon are to the North 7.5 miles away where the township of Limon with a lovely and friendly population is closely knit with Cd. Mante. Coming down the river you come to where two pleasant rivers, the Sabinas and Frio (Cold River) join flowing into the Guayalejo River. This lovely attraction is visited by a large number of tourists that enjoy the tranquil, shallow and uncontaminated waters from the river.
The abra cave

The cave at "El Abra"  and the natural cave of Quintero are two of the caverns in the Cuchara Sierra, and are without doubt the best known and more frequently visited in our region because of the close proximity to Cd. Mante. In the cave at El Abra it is worthwhile to view the "basement" located at the bottom of it's interior 380 feet from the entrance. It was partially explored by cave explorers from San Antonio, Texas in 1956. In the natural cavern of Quintero one may observe the thousands of bats at eventide as they emerge from the cave to search for food in the surrounding areas.

 New Apolonia castle
A castle like building constructed during the last century that belonged to the large hacienda "El Naranjo" (The Orange Tree). It was famous during it's time, having received distinguished guests such as General Profirio Diaz. It is located to the south of the village called Nueva Apolonia.
The Ramiro Caballero Dorantes (Dam or "Las Animas or the Souls or Spirits")   is arrived at via the highway to Tampico, and just before arriving at the Guayalejo River bridge, there is a gravel road turning off that will take you to the Ramiro Caballero Dorantes Student Dam. It is alive with bass and stripped bass and the surrounding area is abundant with the white winged dove, ducks and geese. The dam lake covers an area of 10000 hectares (~25000 acres), and is 1 mile long and 33 feet high.
 Bernal peak
The Horcasitas Peak can be observed in all it's splendor by travelers that are traveling on the highway from Mante to Tampico. Her peak rises 2690 feet above sea level. This natural monument rises up isolated completely on the great coastal plain in the southern portion of Tamaulipas with not another mountain system nearer than 28 miles.

El Cielo (The Heavens) a protected cloud forest covers a land mass of 144,530 hectares (~357,129 acres) and is a paradise for the great quantity of species that inhabit it. There are 175 distinct species of migratory birds and 225 local fowl, various amphibious and mammals, as well as white tail deer, jaguar and black bear. This is due to the unique climatological, biological and topografical conditions in El Cielo. To find out more about this paradise take a look at the photos of this ecological reserve of our region. This located away from manteother beatiful sights ase the Servilleta Canyon in the Mante's zone.


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